
Argon is in our air.
Fig. 1 Dark protons, light neutrons

Fig. 2 Two big pyramids on a cube 2x2x2 that has four side capstones
Carbon has the same shape as the argon nuclear cube with four peripheral protons.
That is seen in the center of Fig. 2

Fig. 3: Pyramids grow on a cube, like a crystal

Fig. 4: Argon is good, but not great.

Argon makes a foundation on which elements are made. Those seven elements are in the category of incremental elements, up to Mn. Argon is a foundation element. Manganese is right before iron, which has a 3x3x3 cube in its core. Argon has a 2x2x2 cube at its center, like Mn.

Manganese has 7 more protons than Argon, and they gill the gap between pyramids in the Argon foundation. In the figures, one can see the slim waist of the Ar nucleus: that is where incremental elements have their protons and neutrons positioned. The nucleus is a placid object with a stationary flow of continuum holding the 40 baryons in place for Ar 40.

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The cores of the nuclei of the elements are discussed here

The electrons have a core s orbital. Two electrons are in the s orbital energy levels. Consider 1s 2s and 3s, for example. Two electrons can be in one of those orbitals. Why two? A line of protons has two ends. A two layer cube of protons and neutrons has 2 protons and 6 neutrons. Elements from C to Mn have that cube-2 structure in the core of the atomic nucleus. Here is a list of foundation elements and the number of protons in its cube.

Table 1: core proton allocations across the periodic table
  • C to Mn       2 protons in the cube 2x2x2 argon
  • Fe                 8 3x3x3
    1. Ge                 8 3x3x3 germanium
    2. Kr                  9   "
    3. Zr                  9   "
    4. Cd               14   "
    5. Xe               14   "
    6. Ce               14   " cerium
    7. Hf               14   "
    8. W               15   "
    9. Po               15   "
    10. Rn              15   "
    11. U                15   "
    12. Md              14 3x3x3
    13. Nh               14 3x3x3
    14. Og               28 4x4x4
    15. Tc                28 4x4x4 technetium
    16. Pm              28 4x4x4
    17. Pa               32 protons in cube 4x4x4 protactinium
    The inner electrons in K and L shells or s orbitals do not bond to molecules usually, but they are in a drama with the core protons. Carbon has 2 inner protons connected with the two inner electrons (Fig. 2). In carbon, the 2 inner electrons are not connected to the end position on a line of protons. They are in the middles of two lines of protons. Nuclear force holds 2 protons close to each other in the core and this stage is set to be a dramatic as for the ends of the proton lines. Or even more so. The durable lines of flux from a core proton to an s electron can penetrate between neutrons. A circumvention of the neutrons by the lines of flux (wavefunctions) can cause noise and sudden snapping to new locations. Applications to NMR and Mossbauer spectrography can also join shot noise ideas to benefit from that nuclear detail. December 13, 2023 Alan Folmsbee
