
My paper at the American Physical Society, at 2PM on April 11, 2022, in New York City, was on Broadway. It was poster session S17, high above Times Square, in the Marriott Marquis Hotel.
Poster session poster "Carbon Nuclear Structure"

Video for the APS presentation, April 11, 2022 meeting

The Carbon 12 nucleus model was built from glass beads. Dark protons and light neutrons.

Figure 1: Carbon 12 cube 2x2x2 plus four protons on the sides of the cube.
Dark protons and white neutrons.

Reference from 1954 Theory of carbon nucleus :
Hoyle state alpha clusters for carbon nuclei theory
Fred Hoyle On nuclear reactions occuring in very hot stars. 1. The synthesis of elements from carbon to nickel. Astrophys. J. Suppl. 1954;1:121–146
Old Science ideas from Nature Communications 2023; 14: 2777.
Published online 2023 May 15 

Figure 2: C 12
New law of physics: protons form lines of protons in most elements. Some lone protons also can occur when a line cannot be formed due to geometric reasons. Oxygen has two lines of protons that form a double helix when viewed along the long axis. Carbon, when viewed in a certain direction, has proton positions that are vaguely like a double helix, but not as clearly as for oxygen.


Book link about oxygen nucleus, by Folmsbee.
January 14, 2024 water bond angle notes

Figure 2A: top view and bottom view of the oxygen nucleus

The white protons make a double helix when viewed on the long axis, here. Top view has clockwise twist. Bottom view has a counter-clockside twist. So both lines of protons are twisted the same direction. Carbon is almost like this. 
A paper for Old Science uses the 1955 idea that nuclei are spherical or sometimes can be viewed as "alpha clusters", which are helium nuclei. Oxygen could be four alphas in a row, as a rod shape. See the link for "Rod-Shaped Nucleus" September 9, 2011• Phys. Rev. Focus 28, 10. (Physical Review). Those old theories are superseded by my theory of the Static Nucleus Theory of the Face-Armored Cubic Lattice. When I submit papers to that type of journal, they typically stall reviews, do not read them, give excuses like "you did not describe helium-3". Spheres are favored over geometric reasoning. It is the inertia of tradition.

Fig. 3 fluorine
Oxygen-16 is the foundation element for fluorine-19

Fig. 3 of F-19 has the same shape as O-18 because the proton #19 is on the other side of the mock-up. Proton #8 is between 12 and 18 in Fig. 3. Proton #10 at top. Those two unmarked protons are marked in Fig. 3A.

Oxygen has an angle in its lines of protons, nearly 105 degrees. Water has a bond angle of 104.5 degrees, so an evaluation was done. A model use made with wooden balls painted white for protons and brown for neutrons. Each proton and neutron (baryon) has a number as in a book, Charge distributions on the nuclei, data set two. 

Protons make lines of protons and two lines are used to hold two yellow toothpicks. (Fig. 3A) The rough alignment of this mock-up gives a 107.1 degree water bond angle.

A model was evaluated for the Water Bond Angle. The standard experimental value for water is 104.5 degrees. The photo of a mock-up gave 107.1 degrees. A correction from 104.5 degrees to the model angle 107 degrees is justified, considering the tilt of the line from proton 10 and proton 16 in Fig. 3A. In other words, tilting yellow line 10-16 clockwise will be a better modelling alignment. That tilt could also change 107.1 degrees into 104.5, plausibly.

Figure 3A. Oxygen nucleus, sketches approximate bond angle mock-up (107.1 degree)

Fig. 3A aligns the two toothpicks so they are both parallel to the focal plane. In other words the models aligned so the camera pointed at both toothpicks when they are both perpendicular to the camera direction. This is assumed to give an unbiased angle theta, for two non-intersecting lines. The atom is 100,000 times bigger than the nucleus, so the effective angle can disregard the tiny separation between the two lines.

A cubic lattice determines the Water Bond Angle as follows for the two lines of protons: 
protons 8 and 16 are in a cubic stack with a neutron. The direction of proton line 10-16, compared to the cubic coordinate system, is rotated 45 degrees around all three axes. Also, proton line 8-11 is rotated 45 degrees around the x axis, as well as around the other two axes. Those simple rotations produce the 104.477 degree Water Bond Angle within 0.02% of the experimental standard number!

104.477 degrees = arc-cosine(-1/4)

This angle is more evidence that this theory is correct. It is called The Static Nucleus Theory of the Face-Armored Cubic Lattice.

The two arrows in Fig 3A are the directions from two proton lines. The lines end. No ring is made from protons in oxygen. The angle of the model (theta) ϴ is about 107.1 degrees. But you can see the line from proton 10 to proton 16 can be corrected to be close to 104.5 degrees. Proton 16 overlaps the toothpick more than proton 10, so the precision can be improved for the calculation based on Fig. 3A. The toothpick is intended to be glued parallel to a line from proton 16 to proton 10.

Trigonometry can show the angle. Vector geometry has a "dot product" that is used. But the two proton lines B and A (vector from 10 to 16 and from 8 to 11) do not intersect, so the evaluation can be done several ways. The coordinates of those four protons with baryon numbers 10, 16 and 11, 8.
Protons and neutrons are called baryons. Shift protons #10 and #16 together to intersect #8 and #11 line. Shift baryon #16 to position (2, 2.41, -2) and the new baryon #10 position matches baryon #8 at (1, -1, -1) the water bond angle ϴ will be calculated using the definition of a dot product. That shift makes the two lines, A and B, intersect. When they intersect, a standard formula from vector geometry can be used to find the angle between two vectors.

A.B = |A| * |B| cos ϴ 
Where A is a vector from proton #10 to proton #16 and B is a vector from proton #8 to proton #11. The two vectors do not intersect, so one vector will be shifted (A). Then, both vectors will originate from the same point so that an angle is easy to calculate.

The calculation was made and the angle is 

104.477 degrees = arccos ( (A.B) / ( |A| |B| ) ) = ϴ 
where A.B = -1
|A| is 2
|B| is 2

Water Bond Angle Confirmation of Theory
104.477 degrees = arc cosine(-1/4)       theory
104.500 degrees                                     experiment

The Static Nucleus Theory of the Face-Armored Cubic Lattice seems to be the correct theory of the shape of matter. This is beginning during one decade in history: 2017-2027.

January 19, 2024 Alan C. Folmsbee
Discovery confirmation date

Notes on vector math
Two lines are defined by four points...
 Point for proton number 8 : #8 = (1, -1, -1)
 Point for proton number 11 : #11 = (2.41, 0, 0)
 Point for shifted number 10 : #10 = (1, -1, -1)
 Point for shifted number 16 : #16 = (2, -2.41, -2)

A vector subtracts #11 from #8
B vector subtracts #16 from #10

A = (-1.41, -1, -1)
B shifted = (-1, 1.41, 1)

A.(B shifted) = XaXb + YaYb + ZaZb is dot product of vectors "A" and "B shifted"

|A| = sqrt ( XaXa + YaYa + ZaZa) magnitude of a vector
|B| = sqrt ( XbXb + YbYb + ZbZb)


Figure 3b all six protons are seen in this corner view of the cube 2x2x2

The three green protons in the front define a plane. (Fig. 3) The three green protons in the rear define a parallel plane. The electrons are driven by the positions of the protons. The three electrons connected with the front three protons define a plane in a graphite flat crystal. Three additional electrons are connected with the rear three protons to define a parallel plane in a graphite flat crystal. That is why graphite has flat crystals. A lubricant of graphite is commercially available to be used like oil. It is a dry power with millions of flat, parallel crystals that easily slip over each other. Nuclear structure is the cause of that.

Chemistry is being improved with this new understanding of how the electrons are directly driven by proton positions. Iron also has proton positions that directly cause electrons to be in positions in matter that are known to exist from experiments. The proton rings make eddy currents of electrons because of this physics. Even more detailed evidence for iron was shown on the main page of this website, where a triangular shape of an iron atom is the same shape as the triangular ring of protons in iron. The scanning tunneling microscope experiment showed the triangular North pole to match the theoretical shape of the protons ring. Nuclear protons are mechanistically connected to molecular electrons to force electrons to mimic the shapes of lines of nuclear protons. This is a new law of physics. Even though the paper by Trishin et al gives a different explanation of the triangle, that is because they know nothng about nuclear structure. Old science always avoids nuclear explanations because they only are familiar with electrons and algebra. They neglect geometric reasoning for nuclear structure and they rely on quark algebra that leads them wrong. In 60 years, quark ideas have left science with a barren quagmire of a complicated particle zoo with its set of mistakes. For example, ferromagnetism is said to be due to electron spin, with the iron nucleus ignored. How is copper so different from iron if the nucleus is not the source of that difference? They say it is only unpaired electron spins, while the nuclear proton ring is what drives the lack of pairing. Adjacent protons have the same spin directions that drive electron spins. A new era of science is dawning. History will only record one time at which the correct theory of nuclear structure was discovered. This is it. October 30, 2023, Alan Folmsbee, Bristol, Connecticut. 

Figure 4: Elements lighter than Carbon have no cube, green protons, white neutrons

Figure 5: Carbon compared to other elements

Carbon is different from all other elements because it has no pyramid on the top or bottom faces of its cube. That reveals the gap in the cube, which is 4 times as large as the gap in the other faces of a pyramid covered cube. On those faces, a hexagonal arrangement has small gaps between nucleons. Protons and neutrons are called nucleons or baryons. All elements heavier than boron have a cubic lattice of protons and neutrons in their cores. That is a new law of physics. That cube forces a hexagonal arrangement of protons and neutrons to cover the outer surface of the nucleus. The dense hexagonal surface has some immunity from collisions, compared to a cubic surface. This is an armor coating. That helps nuclei to survive unchanged for times appoaching eternity. The theory is therefore called The Static Nucleus Theory of the Face-Armored Cubic Lattice. October 30, 2023 acf.

Figure 6: a chemical bond in a molecule

At top, a yellow proton in a large yellow nucleus is connected to a yellow electron by a yellow line of flux at the bottom of Fig. 6.  At bottom, a red nuclear proton is connected to a red electron by a red line of flux at the top. (The axis of wrapping is included as a yellow verticle spike, but it is not real. It is only shown for convenience of using a caduseus image). Electrons do not orbit the way a moon orbits a planet. Electrons have lines of flux that get wrapped around other lines of flux. A line of flux is a flat, durable wavefunction. The wave function has two space-like dimensions going one way and a time-like dimension going the other way. It is like a flat conveyor belt. A chemical bond in a molecule is like two conveyor belts that wrap up and get unwrapped and then continue to wrap in the opposite direction.

Video of bond wrapping mock-up using two  ropes. See 18:40 minute mark.

October 25, 2023 by Alan Folmsbee.

Video of Chemical Bond Wrapping 11/1/2023 in a Maui jungle, 16 seconds

63 You Tube videos on the Alan Folmsbee channel: Alan Folmsbee - YouTube


Flexible molecules
The carbon nucleus has a shape that causes flexible bonds in chain molecules. Carbon is different from other elements. It has a simpler shape than silicon, so the polymer molecular chains are flexible. Carbon has a line of 3 protons in one triangle that defines a plane. Parallel to that triangle, a second, parallel plane is defined by the positions of the other three protons that are touching each other. Each line of protons has two ends. Those two protons at the ends of each line can bond to a remote atom, like nitrogen or phosphorus. One set of two lines of flux from carbon do not encounter any other protons that can interfere with the flexibility of the bond. The other set of two lines from carbon's protons to carbon's electrons also have spacial independence from the first set. Other elements also have lines of protons, but they have more complicated nuclear structures, with protons that get in the way of lines of flux from the protons to the electrons. That is why carbon is much better at making flexible molecules for life, compared to other elements. No other element has this simple availability of wavefunctions (lines of flux) without additional protons to get in the way. The nucleus holds together two sets of independent proton lines, with no other local protons. The four bonding protons make two double bonds available that each is independent of the other double bond. October 30, 2023 acf
September 17, 2018  Alan Folmsbee
