Update on the foundation elements' thoroughness issues.
Two simple stacks of protons and neutrons were not used in the current plan. Here they are:
Cube-4 element Z = 32 protons in cube + 6 pyramids*(4+3+2+1) = 92 Uranium, not curiumUranium 244 stability: not observed in experiments, U-242 half life 12 minutes
Conclusion: do not add to periodic table, yet. 11/26/2022
Cube-2 element z = 2 protons in cube + 6 pyramids * (3) = 20 protons (calcium)
Calcium 38 stability: not stable, 440 millisecond half-life
Conclusion: do not add to periodic table 11/26/2022, Alan Folmsbee
A discussion will be provided, someday. (August 17, 2022, Alan Folmsbee, New Britain, Connecticut)
Law: outside of the central cubic lattice, protons tend to join lines of protons.
Here is a figure explaining the physics of why that is so. There are two reasons
protons make lines of protons:
First, there are not enough neutrons to separate the protons.
Second, electrons force protons into lines during fusion.
Figure 1: magnetic lines of flux are drawn between a proton and a neutron, three places
The rulers represent magnetic lines of flux with two space-like dimensions and one time-like dimension going the other way. Each dimension has a velocity-like property. The rubber bands represent the strong nuclear force. That force would collapse the line into a triangle if the flux did not prevent that. A line of flux cannot pass through another line of flux without an Ohmic Cycle. A ruler cannot pass through a ruler without breaking, but a ruler can slide over a ruler in a plane, easily. That is what a superconducting current does: lines of flux stack up with no friction and with no thickness. At this scale, the models of electrons should be a mile away from the proton ping pong balls. The rulers would be a mile long in Fig. 1.
Mass = Area derivation at the bottom of this page.
The breakthrough derivation uses The Composite Formula,
which uses the product of mass times capacitance in terms of meters and seconds
kilograms X Farads = meters squared X seconds squared
Definition of the Ohm
The number of Ohms in a resistor is the number of opportunities per second per atom for the unpairing of a free electron that is flowing in a current, pairing it with an atom, where it is not a free electron, and later for it to become free again to flow in that current, on the average.
1 Ohm = one opportunity per second per atom = 1 Hertz
Note: this assumes that the amount of time the electron is not free is
a constant time, like 1 nanosecond. So, some refinement is planned.
The periodic table of nuclear shapes has only 118 elements out of 1000 isotopes.
It is assumed that the isotopes just have neutrons added onto the silhouettes of
118 elements, or neutrons are subtracted from those silhouettes. That assumption is not thorough
because there are unused combinations of cubes and pyramids.
The pyramid theory needs to explain element 43 Technetium in a thorough essay.
Tc is shown in the table to have a cube 4x4x4. Near Tc are the Zirconium based elements
Mo and Ru. Those two elements use the cube 3x3x3 core. But why does the synthesis
of Tc not result in a Zirconium based element? It is plausible that Tc can be
synthesized as shown in the table, but how can that preclude an element 43 with a
Zr foundation. like 42 Mo or 44 Ruthenium?
It is assumed that the isotopes just have neutrons added onto the silhouettes of
118 elements, or neutrons are subtracted from those silhouettes. That assumption is not thorough
because there are unused combinations of cubes and pyramids.
The pyramid theory needs to explain element 43 Technetium in a thorough essay.
Tc is shown in the table to have a cube 4x4x4. Near Tc are the Zirconium based elements
Mo and Ru. Those two elements use the cube 3x3x3 core. But why does the synthesis
of Tc not result in a Zirconium based element? It is plausible that Tc can be
synthesized as shown in the table, but how can that preclude an element 43 with a
Zr foundation. like 42 Mo or 44 Ruthenium?
Paramagnetism across the Periodic Table
Diamagnetic in yello blocks, plus bottom left 3 elements
Paramagnetic in blue outline
Elements with two nearly coaxial rings of protons in purple outlines, add the Cadmium series
Note on magnetic types in that periodic table. The elements in purple ovals are labeled "two rings". Those are the ferromagnetic elements Fe, Co, Ni, and Gd plus elements with two proton rings that are nonferrous. The Cadmium series of elements should be in the purple ovals. The elements from Gd to Tm are in the purple oval, but only Gd is ferromagnetic above 0 degrees C. The elements above Gd, to Tm, are paramagnetic, but ferromagnetic at cryogenic temperatures. Paramagnetic elements that do not have two proton rings can never be ferromagnetic, even near absolute zero. For example, oxygen is paramagnetic but O is never ferromagnetic at 1Kelvin. O does not have two rings of protons. Terbium has two rings of protons like Gd, so at cryogenic temperatures, Tb is ferromagnetic.
Elements near Zr and Cd have two rings of protons, but the proton rings are not as smooth as Fe, they have kinks that point into the center of the nucleus. That, plausibly, prevents a superconducting current from circulating in a proton ring. Ferromagnetic elements that are ferromagnetic have shapes that are most similar to Fe. Elements that are less similar to Fe than are Co, Ni, and Gd are nonferrous above 0 degrees C.
Zirconium has kinks in the proton rings, so it is non-ferrous
September 10, 2017
The Technetium Riddle
The elements after 40 Zirconium include Technetium: Zr Nd Mo Tc Ru.
Why is 43 Tc 98 unstable and why isn't a Molybdenum-like element possible there?
The 4x4x4 cube in Tc is unstable but Mo has 3x3x3.
Tc is made by carbon-like fragments hitting to make a 4x4x4 cube preferentially.
An element with 98 baryons can be made from a 4x4x4 cube with 6 pyramids.
Molybdenum cannot have capstones on the 6 faces, so it decays into a 3x3x3 cube.
Summary: Zirconium type elements are made from carbon fusions taking 2x2x2 and making 4x4x4 cubes. They then are long lived or they decay to 3x3x3 cube based elements as a later step. Zr starts with the preferred 4x4x4 and becomes the 3x3x3 after its faces are not covered enough. A similar answer applies to Promethium and Protactinium.
See the Periodic Table of Shapes of Nuclei in Fig. 1.
The 2x2x2 cubes are from an abundant flux of shattered Molybdenum nuclei or other experimental sources. The Mo 3x3x3 shatters into 2x2x2 sometimes. When enough 2x2x2 candidate fragments coincide at a growing element, the 4x4x4 cube is created, preferentially over 3x3x3 elements. The star can supply carbon-like isotopes with 2x2x2 or the particle colliders can provide a Zr-like 3x3x3 to become a 2x2x2 sometimes.
That is why tests do not find Technetium that is sometimes like Mo or Ru. All of the Zr-like elements up to Iodine are made from 4x4x4 candidates that fail to get pyramidal capstones, and that decay into 3x3x3 based elements from Zirconium to Iodine. Only Tc is different because its has the capstones. All other elements failed to get capstones on their pyramids, and so they broke up from cube 4 to cube 3, without exception.
October 10, 2017
Notebooks by Alan Folmsbee
notebooks numbered #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and #10
October 16, 2014 to July 10, 2018
1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bye97v1hDDEzfmdMTVRJV1pPdFcwT1pCV2M4Q2IyZkFjVW1NNWZhNnUxSUg0cUE0OHN5ODA
2 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bye97v1hDDEzfldpcmUyZUlOTUdLRmdteDZHR1d2MWVnbE5Cek5TNzQyMkpyV2Z5WlJuUWs
3 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bye97v1hDDEzfklIZG9ET1JjdHN2dS1PRERXR1lvdW05MEVWN1kwUjJqdlJ6ZDhhQU5FM2s
4 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bye97v1hDDEzfjlvODFFYWZKbVdnZHFNaDYybTJ1a1QwenBnTEI4OEYyeXNQQ3JPSFhuc28
5 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bye97v1hDDEzflBxd19qR3ZKNG9XWHJoM1JLc0dyNG84dlgyWE1NSDNzeXhDQ3gwQ3JxeEE
6 and 7 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cd9lwiRTobmR7kj4qmS3PrOHDrkvNRXk
8 and 9 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xREDzU-8-wEJLoIMVKpfEzjKoGDXbM6c
10 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1s91CMAU1FZTZiJIxIWuy6JwXs05_4mNH
photographed 7/10/2018
The Elemental Conjecture
The isotopes have a trend as A gets larger. A is the mass number, Z is the atomic number.
Z is the number of protons, N is the number of neutrons in an element. A=Z+N.
As A goes to 800, Z goes to 300.
A/Z => 8/3
For each proton in an isotope, there are 1 and 2/3 neutrons.
Heavisidium A/Z = 798/299
Folmsbium A/Z = 305/123
Tungsten A/Z = 184/74
Cd cadmium_______________________________________________
September 10, 2017
The Technetium Riddle
The elements after 40 Zirconium include Technetium: Zr Nd Mo Tc Ru.
Why is 43 Tc 98 unstable and why isn't a Molybdenum-like element possible there?
The 4x4x4 cube in Tc is unstable but Mo has 3x3x3.
Tc is made by carbon-like fragments hitting to make a 4x4x4 cube preferentially.
An element with 98 baryons can be made from a 4x4x4 cube with 6 pyramids.
Molybdenum cannot have capstones on the 6 faces, so it decays into a 3x3x3 cube.
Summary: Zirconium type elements are made from carbon fusions taking 2x2x2 and making 4x4x4 cubes. They then are long lived or they decay to 3x3x3 cube based elements as a later step. Zr starts with the preferred 4x4x4 and becomes the 3x3x3 after its faces are not covered enough. A similar answer applies to Promethium and Protactinium.
See the Periodic Table of Shapes of Nuclei in Fig. 1.
The 2x2x2 cubes are from an abundant flux of shattered Molybdenum nuclei or other experimental sources. The Mo 3x3x3 shatters into 2x2x2 sometimes. When enough 2x2x2 candidate fragments coincide at a growing element, the 4x4x4 cube is created, preferentially over 3x3x3 elements. The star can supply carbon-like isotopes with 2x2x2 or the particle colliders can provide a Zr-like 3x3x3 to become a 2x2x2 sometimes.
That is why tests do not find Technetium that is sometimes like Mo or Ru. All of the Zr-like elements up to Iodine are made from 4x4x4 candidates that fail to get pyramidal capstones, and that decay into 3x3x3 based elements from Zirconium to Iodine. Only Tc is different because its has the capstones. All other elements failed to get capstones on their pyramids, and so they broke up from cube 4 to cube 3, without exception.
Figure 1
October 10, 2017
Notebooks by Alan Folmsbee
notebooks numbered #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and #10
October 16, 2014 to July 10, 2018
1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bye97v1hDDEzfmdMTVRJV1pPdFcwT1pCV2M4Q2IyZkFjVW1NNWZhNnUxSUg0cUE0OHN5ODA
2 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bye97v1hDDEzfldpcmUyZUlOTUdLRmdteDZHR1d2MWVnbE5Cek5TNzQyMkpyV2Z5WlJuUWs
3 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bye97v1hDDEzfklIZG9ET1JjdHN2dS1PRERXR1lvdW05MEVWN1kwUjJqdlJ6ZDhhQU5FM2s
4 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bye97v1hDDEzfjlvODFFYWZKbVdnZHFNaDYybTJ1a1QwenBnTEI4OEYyeXNQQ3JPSFhuc28
5 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bye97v1hDDEzflBxd19qR3ZKNG9XWHJoM1JLc0dyNG84dlgyWE1NSDNzeXhDQ3gwQ3JxeEE
6 and 7 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cd9lwiRTobmR7kj4qmS3PrOHDrkvNRXk
8 and 9 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xREDzU-8-wEJLoIMVKpfEzjKoGDXbM6c
10 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1s91CMAU1FZTZiJIxIWuy6JwXs05_4mNH
photographed 7/10/2018
The Elemental Conjecture
The isotopes have a trend as A gets larger. A is the mass number, Z is the atomic number.
Z is the number of protons, N is the number of neutrons in an element. A=Z+N.
As A goes to 800, Z goes to 300.
A/Z => 8/3
For each proton in an isotope, there are 1 and 2/3 neutrons.
Heavisidium A/Z = 798/299
Folmsbium A/Z = 305/123
Tungsten A/Z = 184/74
Cadmium has kinks in its proton rings, so it is nonferrous. Gallium rings are like iron: smoother
A Perl program is linked here to check baryon coordinates for the book:
The iron nucleus has a file for its coordinates.
The third file is needed to improve precision.
A proton on the left and an electron have 3 dimensional flows that connect them in a Pair. A photon is emitted using two dimensions (th and hx). The third dimension retains its length property and its velocity property for a moment. During a relaxation time the third dimension changes its length to balance the smaller two dimensions. The resulting atom has a lower energy than before the photon emission. The photon does not contain energy, it has a velocity-like property. Energy equals velocity times momentum. The atom that absorbs a photon reverses the sequence. The result is an energy increase, not because the photon brought energy, but because its velocity-like property is used by the nucleus to combine with a momentum-like property to make an energy change in the second atom.
The old "wave-function" is made of the three dimensions that are used here (hx, hy, and th). The name for "th" is magnetime. h is similar to Maxwell's nomenclature, where H is the magnetic field strength.
Here is a list of the proton and neutron locations for elements from hydrogen to carbon.
Each unit of 1.0 is a proton radius. (0.85fm). This the xyz file format. p is proton, n is neutron.
p 0 0 0
p 0 0 0
p 2 0 0
n 0 -2 0
n 2 -2 0
p 0 0 0
p 2 0 0
p 4 0 0
n 0 -2 0
n 2 -2 0
n 4 -2 0
n 5.732 -1 0
p 0 0 0
p 2 0 0
p 4 0 0
p 6 0 0
n 0 -2 0
n 2 -2 0
n 4 -2 0
n 6 -2 0
n 7.732 -1 0
p 0 0 0
p 2 0 0
p 4 0 0
p 6 0 0
p 8 0 0
n 0 -2 0
n 2 -2 0
n 4 -2 0
n 6 -2 0
n 8 -2 0
n 9.732 -1 0
p -1 1 1
n 1 1 1
n -1 -1 1
n 1 -1 1
n -1 1 -1
n 1 1 -1
n -1 -1 -1
p 1 -1 -1
p -2.41 0 0
p 0 2.41 0
p 2.41 0 0
p 0 -2.41 0
Link to nuclear data using the format as in my book,
"Charge distributions on the nuclei" by Alan Folmsbee.
This is for 118 chemical elements... File name fo-pn-33.txt
Quarks are on academic probation, December 4, 2022
Here is a link to the nuclear data in the xyz file format for all chemical elements.
All protons are given x, y, z, coordinates. And the neutrons, too. The file is named nuclei_118_C.xyz .
Link here
December 5, 2022
December 5, 2022
________________________________ __________
Mass = Area
Mass = Area derivation from November 4, 2023 Alan Folmsbee
Mass equals area: derivation essay
Standard science claimed that some units of measure cannot be factored, such as kilogram and Coulomb. Old Science claims mass cannot be described as two simpler factors. The new science, which I have introduced, factors all units of measure into meters and seconds. These are called abstract units ofmeasure. This derivation uses The Composite Formula for mass multiplied by capacitance.
Electron Mobility = Conductance units of measure except for the magnitudes
Mobility uses the Greek letter mu = μ
Outline of the logic and mathematics
Outline of the Six steps in the derivation of mass=area theory
1 Understand that electron mobility μ has effectively
the same units of measure as conductance g
(g = 1/R).
2 Use Ohm’s Law and MOSFET current equation to find
that charge is an Area of something. Q = meter^2
3 Understand that the kilogram could not be isolated
on one side of a formula to be equal to any simple
term on the other side, before my derivation for my websites,
on 8/5/2020. See my website about charge.
4 Use energy equation (E = force * distance)
and capacitance definition to bring mass and
capacitance into one formula.
5 Bring Farads and kilograms on one side of a formula.
The other side only has meters and seconds.
6 Logic indicates that mass = meter^2 and
Farad = second^2
Detailed derivation of the Mass=Area fact
Step 1
I = g * V Ohm’s Law
I = μ* (C/meter^2) * (Vgs-Vt)^2 MOSFET current
I = μ* (C/meter^2) * V^2 simplified MOSFET
C is in Farads, V is in Volts
Set units of g equal to units of μ. That is justified
by observing their definitions.
g = Q * μ* n * A / L
A is area. L is length, n is electrons per cubic meter,
Q is electron charge, g is conductance, μ is mobility.
Notice that time does not affect Q, n, A, or L. Time is
involved in only g and μ.
Step 2
g = μ
conductance equals mobility except for magnitudes
I/V = I * meter^2 / (C * V^2)
g = (Coulomb/second) / Volts = Coulomb / Volt * second
μ= velocity/Electric field = (meter/second)/(Volts per meter)
mobility = meter^2 / (Volt * second)
conductance = Coulomb / (Volt * second)
Charge is area, since the properties of g and μ are the same for making current. They both use time and voltage. When the other factors are examined, they do not involve time. (meter, Coulomb do not depend on time).
Q = meter^2 charge equals area, to be used later.
Step 3
In standard science, the kilogram cannot be set equal to anything other than a kilogram to give a profound definition of mass.
mass = mass
kilogram = kilogram
There was no known way, if mass is alone on the left, to make any other equation after cancelling like factors to produce a reasonable definition of mass. I have changed that. 11/4/2023 Alan Folmsbee
Step 4
charge equals capacitance times voltage (for units of measure)
Q = C * V = Area
Energy = E = force times distance = kg meter^2 / (second^2)
V = E/Q
V = kg / second^2 …after cancelling area over charge
Step 5
V = kg/sec^2 = Q/C = meter^2 / C
kg/sec^2 = meter^2/C therefore
mass * capacitance = meter^2 * second^2 “The Composite Formula”
Step 6
Use logic to evaluate “The Composite Formula” to propose ways that mass can be defined with it.
Choice 1:
mass = meter^2
capacitance = second^2
Choice 2
mass = meter * second
cap = meter * second
Choice 3
mass = meter^2 * second
cap = second
I have selected choice #1 because choice #2 destroys any reasonableness of formulas such as f=ma. Choice #3 is not good because then capacitance equals conductance and mass equals the D diffusion coefficient. Therefore,
Farad = seconds^2
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